Thursday 20 October 2016

170 anniversary / development

Continuing on with the development of the landscape, screenshots of the progress have been displayed below:

I felt it would be appropriate to add more buildings to give a sense of the scale of the city. The sign pointing towards Leeds was also a late addition but I felt this was fitting as the design is being created for Independent Leeds Magazine. The paths changed a few times throughout the development of the design. It didn't seem appropriate to have 1 path leading into the city and one leading off towards the right, so I created new paths that all led towards the city, making it the focal point of the image.

Moving into Photoshop, I edited the overall colours of the image. This colour scheme looks a lot more "magical" and exciting, creating the effect that Leeds is a bright, creative city. The final details were added in the last image, further expressing the theme of nature and future technology working together. The buildings and natural elements using the same colour scheme expresses this, as everything compliments each other and gives the effect of a utopia where everything works in harmony.

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