Friday 14 October 2016

creative networks / final animation

To create the final animation we made use of the photography studio and equipment. Shooting a stop-motion video is a lengthy process so we had to make sure we had planned our time efficiently due to the short timescale of the brief. 

The set-up in the photography studio included lighting and a camera facing vertically towards the surface. As we shot each individual frame, the discarded papers moved around organically to give it a different feel. There was quite a large amount of movement between each frame, giving it more of a DIY and friendly effect. 

The final animation is shown below. It mimics the poster designs which have layers peeling back to reveal more information about the event. The spot colour is also included at the very end where the speaker is shown. We hope to achieve a more approachable, fun and friendly outcome and hope that the concept of the paper being ripped away to reveal more information can be carried through to many more deliverables if chosen. 

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