Thursday 20 October 2016

170 anniversary / initial ideas

To start off the design, I produced an initial sketch of the landscape I wanted to produce.

The design features the city being quite far off into the distance with a lot of natural elements leading up to it. The design is framed by two large trees in the foreground, which represent an emerging city working in harmony with nature. The buildings should look like the focal point of the image but not take away too much from the surrounding landscape.

The colour pallet should be quite minimal, i.e. limited to two or three colours with various shades. This will help make the idea of a utopian creative city more prominent within the design, as it strays from reality quite a lot.

Colour Pallet Ideas: 

A lot of the initial colour pallets have strong shades of blue/green. This was not done on purpose but the underlying theme of nature and wildlife is very prominent within my concept. 

To progress with my idea, the design needs to be moved over to Adobe Illustrator where the majority of the creating will take place. I decided to create the design with the first proposed colour scheme in mind, although this can later be edited in Photoshop. 

The initial landscape was started by arranging the composition within the correct sized document and starting to visualise the design on screen. 

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