Wednesday 5 October 2016

OUGD603 - Statement of Intent

Throughout this module I aim to produce a variety of work based around packaging and branding. I would like to challenge existing products and audiences and try to change perceptions through my designs. 

Research will be conducted for all briefs using appropriate methods and resources, which could include: existing graphic design, surveys, books and contacting other designers. 

Within this module I would like to explore a range of processes when producing my final outcomes. This could be foiling, vinyl or embossing/de-bossing. I would like to improve my skills when assembling finished pieces such as packaging design, but I also feel to do my work justice I will need to professionally print some projects. 

I aim to be organised and thorough when working on the module and ensure that all briefs are finished on time and to a high standard. I will be documenting this process on the blog as I go, ensuring that all aspects of the project have been discussed and recorded. 

After each brief I will produce a thorough evaluation that discusses what aspects of the project were successful and what needs to be improved.

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