Thursday 20 October 2016

170 anniversary / research

As the artwork is being displayed in Independent Leeds Magazine, I decided to take a look at the publication to see what it was like.

The magazine has a minimal, slick feel to it which is surprising as it is a free publication! The aesthetic of the designs are mainly flat, vector style which suits me pretty well. The brief states that the design should be a double page spread, and looking at the magazine it would work quite well as the pages can be opened fully and placed flat on the desk. 

As the concept for the magazine spread is 'creative city', I wanted to look into illustrations that reflected the idea of a utopian city. Many of these illustrations are striking with really creative ideas for the buildings and future technology.

I looked into multidisciplinary artist Sam Chivers, who creates illustrations with a theme of nature and future technology.

The textures that he uses in the illustrations give a really nice charm and add extra detail and depth. The colour pallet gives the impression of a world rich in nature and technology working together. Combining this theme of a utopian city with my already existing design style of vector landscapes, I feel I could create something that fits the brief and will look great in a magazine. 

Examples of the design aesthetic I can create:

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