Thursday 26 January 2017

dot - dot / brief

Dot-dot is a creative agency based in leeds that pairs up freelancers and clients for graphic design needs. The freelancers have a strict turn-around time of 10 days, and so they have set an initial brief to test whether freelance applicants have what it takes.

"Before we consider you for a position we need to see if you can cope working to a brief.

Your task is to design a poster and a logo idea for Dot-Dot!
You have 3 days to complete the task and we would like you to interpret this in your own style.
This challenge will test your speed, creativity, quality, and professionalism!

Please find attached brief and logo (for the poster)."

The brief is very open ended and aims to test how the designer copes under the pressure of timescale and good quality design. Dot-dot would like a poster and logo design that advertises their services to potential clients. This task is designed to get a feel for the freelancers style and what they can offer in a quick turnaround period.

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