Sunday 15 January 2017

pear / brief

The brief
Take the existing magazine Pear which was created for OUGD601 and develop it into a fully functioning brand. This can be done by creating new issues, improving upon the existing magazine, coming up with a subscription model and/or creating a website.

As there is already a foundation for the brand and the guidelines have already been created, these do not need to be considered. However, content should be suitable for the audience and must still be appealing to children and parents. You should consider pricing for the magazine and subscription models. The website should be fully functioning and suitable for children and parents to use. What else can you create as an addition to the brand?

As this is a substantial project a few months should be allocated to complete it. Work should be completed by the easter break, allowing extra time for printing and photographing of the deliverables.

Mandatory Requirements
Blog posts documenting the design process of the project.
Design boards.

Deliverables for the project could include, but are not limited to:
- printed and developed issues of the magazine
- a website
- other collateral such as: stickers, plushies, stationary

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