Tuesday 28 February 2017

confectionary packaging / target audience

The design is not particularly limited by the target audience. The audience is anyone who eats sweets already, ranging from young children to adults as old as 60-70. The product essentially needs to appeal to as many people as possible. A brand that also has this ethos is Haribo. Their tagline is "kids and grown-ups love it so, the happy world of Haribo", meaning everyone can enjoy their sweets no matter what their age.

The product should have universal appeal, and to strengthen this the brand will only produce confectionary that is vegan. This will not be a huge part of the design or branding itself, but will sit quietly with the ingredients to ensure buyers that anyone can purchase and eat this product. The product will also match competitors prices on the standard sweets shelf to ensure as many people as possible can purchase the product.

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