Monday 6 February 2017

confectionary packaging / brief

Confectionary packaging is often extremely garish and childish or very traditional looking (e.g. pink and yellow stripes with serif font). The task is to create a new confectionary brand (or redesign an existing brand) with a completely new take on the design of the packaging.

The audience needs to be considered for this brief. The design could be aimed at adults giving it a more mature edge, or at teenagers that have grown out of childish design. The type of confectionary also needs to be considered as this will effect the type of packaging. The shape of the packaging and materials used need to be thought about too as it will need to be easily displayed in shops.

This project should take between 1-2 months to complete.

Mandatory Requirements
Blog posts documenting the process of the project.
Design boards.

Completed logo/brand guidelines.
Completed packaging that has been printed, assembled and photographed.
Campaign promoting the brand.

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