Monday 6 February 2017

pear / issue 1 re-design

After considering some of the factors that could be worked upon in the existing issue of Pear, I started on the front cover. The existing cover includes 2 pears holding hands on an orange background. This conveys the message of the issue's theme but is overall quite a boring design.

I felt that the overall layout could be improved with the title of the magazine at the top and tagline included within the title to give it a more compact feel. I also removed the theme of the issue and will discuss this in the introduction page instead. Another problem with the existing cover is there isn't 2 pear characters and one of them is never mentioned again in the magazine. This is not consistent with the brand and should be removed. As this is the first issue it's important to get a good impression and have a bold, striking design that attracts attention.

This new cover is a lot brighter and has a more interesting selection of colours. The name of the magazine is proudly displayed at the top of the page and has Pear - the character, in full focus. The speech bubble, "nice to meet you!" indicates a friendly character who is eager to become friends. The brighter red is taken through to the rest of the magazine and complements the green leaves well - another feature that will be prominent throughout issue 1. 

As mentioned previously, a wider selection of colours will be used on the pages of this issue. This helps retain attention of the children by making each page look different and gives a fresh take on the magazine itself. The pale blue colour used on the page about best friends complements the rich greens and the overall look of the page does not sway to either gender. 

The biggest changes can be seen in pages that include quite a lot of text: 

The colours are brighter, the layout is more interesting and it keeps with the current theme of fresh leaves running throughout. 

The re-design of issue 1 is predominantly aesthetic. The content has largely remained the same and the brand guidelines are still being taken into consideration. The border has been kept around each page as this is an important aspect to the identity of Pear magazine and allows more colour to inhabit each page. 

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