Thursday 16 February 2017

pear / issue 2 design

The original outer space cover design is as follows:

I adapted this cover to suit the new overall layout design of the new issue 1 cover, with the title larger and the theme discussed in the introduction page:

The only change applied here was making the background a darker, deep blue/black as opposed to off black. This makes the colours of the characters pop and shows the depths of space.

As there is no current content for the magazine, new content had to be developed. This issue will take a lot longer to create due to this. For the colour scheme of this issue I felt having the black starry background should feature throughout the magazine, but I didn't want it to overpower the entire design. This issue starts off with an illustrated version of our solar system spread over 4 pages, then moves onto information about each of the planets:

I created simple, vector versions of all of the planets and associated them with a specific colour to display the information. Following this, I put in some activities for the children to complete so the entire magazine isn't just reading:

The next spread is a developed version of a game from issue 1 that wasn't included in the re-design. I felt it would be more fitting to a space theme as there could be different planets to represent the spaces rather than just coloured circles. 

Other spreads following the space theme include:

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