Wednesday 22 February 2017

the internets love of dogs / research - survey

To gain a better understanding of the general public's view of dog memes I conducted a survey. The survey asked a total of eight questions:

- What is your favourite dog meme and why?
- Do you have a favourite 'dog personality' on social media?
- If so, which dog is it?
- On a scale of 0-100 with 100 being the highest, how much do you enjoy looking at dog memes?
- Where do you tend to view dog memes? E.g. facebook / twitter
- Who is your favourite dog meme provider?
- What is your all-time favourite dog meme?
- What is your favourite word associated with dog memes?


1. What is your favourite dog breed and why?
Labrador - they're always smiling and very cuddly
Sausage Dogs, they are so silky and long. I like their small legs and squashy feet. They have kind eyes and the name is cute. I like their ears too
I love them ALL but not so much pugs. I don't get how people think they're really cute, their eyes freak me out. But I think sheep dogs are so great
Pugs!! They're so cute and funny
Shiba Inu is my favourite dog breed because they are so loving and kind. My aunty got one when she developed depression to help her through it and it loved her internally and protected her at all costs. Seeing the way it cared for her made me love them even more.
Husky because big fluffer
Sausage dog...they're legs r so cute and small
- Akita
Shiba inu/Italian greyhound
St. Bernard because they're big and fluffy
German shepherds, they look tough but actually they're just fluffy
Huskey- because they're fluffy and snuggly looking
German Shepherd, due to general loyalty and fluffiness
Labrador because I had one growing up
lhasa apso have you seen their cute faces
Greyhound, they're so long
Daschund because of their stupid little legs and propensity for ridiculous outfits
greyhounds because they are long and majestic
Borzoi they're long and friendly
Shiba Inu because they are so cute and funny
Cocker spaniel - because I have one!
Chow chow because they are so cute
Sausage dog - they're so smol and cute
Shibes cause they're cute
i love all doggos i cant even choose but i do love cockapoos staffordshire bull terriers westies cos they all have the kindest temperaments

2. Do you have a favourite 'dog personality' on social media? 
Yes - 65.83%
No - 34.62%

3. If so, which dog is it? 
Doug the pug
Pepper the Mini Daschund
Life of jinkie on instagram
Tunameltsmyheart - instagram account. That dog is great!
Frank the Mini Sausage
I forget it's name but the Italian greyhound with it's teeth sticking out
Angery dog
baron the German shepherd
- Gabe RIP x
Makonatu the Shibe
Gabe - RIP :(
Dinky him
- Doge
That one with the wonky head that meets all the celebzzz

4. On a scale of 0-100 with 100 being the highest, how much do you enjoy looking at dog memes? 
Average number: 80 

5. Where do you tend to view dog memes? 
Facebook - 14
Twitter - 18
Instagram - 10
Reddit - 1

6. Who is your favourite dog meme provider? 
just see viral images on timeline
BuzzSharer Dachshunds
I can't think of any specifically but I like we rate dogs (or something like that) on twitter
Dog rates on twitter probs
Twitter accounts
Not sure
Sausage dog central
Dog rates
Fat F****n Beagles or Cool Doggos
Cool Doggo Memes
Literally any 
Long doggos
Cool Dog Group
Heckin pictures of DANG Doggos on Facebook
"heckin" doggos on Facebook or "WeRateDogs" on Twitter
Twitter - better variety
@shibesbot on twitter

7. What is your all time favourite dog meme? 
The one where is like 'shut the fuck up susan' and surrounding ones like this
Love them all sozzzzz
all of them
Gabe the dog singing evanescence
All of them
Appreciate that it's not an image but this doggo makes my day:
Whilst one doesn't spring to mind anything that stems from the 'heavily ironic' meme subculture is good with me
The middle fingers swearing at dog looking upset
THIS IS TOO HARD there's a video of a guy who 'stabs' his dog with one of those fake knives that are plastic and retract into the handle and the dog looks so betrayed and it's so great but I can't find it :(
the shiba stuck in a hedge
any Did me a frighten
Gabe and his singing :( all the vids

8. What is your favourite word associated with dog memes? 
- pupper and doggo
- heck
- Heck and doge ????????
- Bork
- Length boy
- bork
- bork
- doge 
- doge
- doggo
- Pupset, doggo, pupper, floofy
- mlem or blep
- bamboozled.
- blep
- Heckin, you are doing me a concern
- pupper
- heck, angery, bork
- Heck/heckin and the phrase 'big ol pupper'
- Heck. For sure.
- Heck, spookin, pupper
- Doge

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