Monday 10 April 2017

up yer sleeve / development

I decided to make a fresh document and improve on my overall design. I looked into Baugasm some more and found that he offers tutorials on his techniques on skillshare. As there was a 2 month free trail I decided to sign up and learn some new skills on Photoshop and Illustrator.

I started off with this large liquified group of colours. I liked the technique used to create something like this but I felt the colours were too bright and not very appealing. 

I moved onto creating this which I really liked. The use of the rainbow and abstract shape is pleasing to look at and could have potential. 

I warped the shape further and reflected it to fill the empty space. The mixture of colours and added noise reflect the style of the song and the emerging genre of house music that Frankie Knuckles had such an impact on. 

Playing further with the colours and noise, I ended up with quite a saturated design with softer colours flowing into eachother. I also applied a noise effect to the background so the shapes don't look out of place and the whole image ties together. Another subtle aspect of the image is the addition of the liquified white lines. This adds a small detail but completes the design, showing fluidity and movement across the sleeve.

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