Thursday 13 April 2017

whiskey / development

After no reply from Heather, I decided to go ahead and develop on my initial ideas. I searched the online for a suitable bottle as I feel creating my design physically will allow me to show my ideas more clearly. Many of the bottles out there are short and wide, though most women's drinks are typically taller and thinner.

I found this bottle online that is elegant, has detailing and is a suitable size:

I began by experimenting with the shape of the label, as this will be the main part of the design and where all of the information is displayed on the bottle. 

I firstly started with a 'crest' shape and used a yellow-is background to show the colour of the whisky. This is an important consideration as the whisky and label need to complement each other. The logo is an all-caps serif font - Questa Grande. It has varying weights and is elegant and easily read. The font is carried through the rest of the branding to give a luxury feel. I went on to add the wood texture to the design. I originally thought of using gold vinyl for this part of the design but it could clash with the whisky colour and distract from the label. Instead, the colour is white to bring a freshness and elegance to the bottle.

I then moved on to a more simple shape and a white logo that sits outside of the label. This label will wrap entirely around the bottle, encouraging the users to pick it up and interact with it - possibly inspiring them to pick it up off the shelf and look at the rest of the information.

I added extra details such as the barcode and other information that needs to be present on alcohol packaging. The wood texture is also on this design but in a fainter colour to represent sandblasting. This could be a more effective treatment to the bottle as it is a permanent stamp. It also shows that it's a luxury product and a brand that is conscious of the way it presents itself to consumers.

Here I looked at different colours that could complement the whisky. I tried a darker beige and a duck-egg blue. These colours could appear to women as they are soft and elegant. In the second image I added some illustrations of fruit and nuts which are essences of the flavour of this whisky. In my research I identified that women would like to see more flavours of whisky, so here I have brought to light the ingredients in a visual way. 

After experimenting with different colours I felt the most luxury (and least risky) colour to match with the whisky would be black. 

I adapted the label so more information could fit on it and placed the illustrations on the front, so that everyone can see what is in this whisky and possibly attract more women to try it. The label will be a sticker, the logo will be vinyl and the wood texture will be sandblasted onto the bottle. I created a quick mockup to get an idea of what this overall design would look like:

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