Friday 7 April 2017

whiskey / audience research

My audience for this brief is women aged 25-40. A problem that I have identified is that a lot of whisky bottle designs look similar and masculine, which could potentially put women off drinking it. This opens up a gap in the market for a new whisky brand that is fresh, feminine and charming.

I conducted some polls on twitter to get an idea of what women think of whisky.

The first question aims to establish how many women drink whisky and whether there is a gap in the market for a new design. Out of 162 votes, 84% of those women do not drink whisky. This shows that there is room for a new design or something that attracts women to whisky in general. 

Next, I wanted to know what could attract women to purchasing whisky. The winning choice was cocktail recipes, followed by the flavours of whisky available. The bottle design was 3rd, though this can be used as a tool to advertise new flavours or cocktail recipes. 

90% of the women who voted on this poll think that current whisky designs are masculine and traditional. This shows a correlation between the amount of women who don't drink whisky and the bottle design its self. 

The popular vote from this question shows that overall, women who drink whisky are not put off by the design on the bottle, but still quite a large percentage (41%) are put off trying whisky all together.

Overall, looking into the audience shows that there is room for a new whisky brand aimed at women. The design needs to bring in exciting flavours and recipes that are different from the traditional ones already on the market. This should help attract a new audience to the whisky world and help re-brand the drink with a more modern slant.

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