Monday 20 March 2017

lights / devlopment

After the crit it felt most appropriate to collate the images in a publication format with inserts with information on about the mood and lighting of select spreads. The overall aim of the project

The layout of the booklet was challenging as the images are best suited to full bleed. I felt as though I should experiment with the layout of the images to improve my overall skills and create a more interesting publication.

The images work best with a black background so they can blend in and look seamless. This also creates a sense of atmosphere and disorientation as many of the images have not been taken in the same place. This publication is all about mood and environment, so valuing these aspects of the photography in the layout is important to the overall book. 

As there are a lot of different colours I felt that using a maximum of 2 images per page would be suitable that complement each other. The order of the images in the publication will start off white, through to blue, purple and finally red. These colours convey a range of different moods such as excitement, romance, wonder and purity. Having a selection of colours also opens up the possibility of more versions of the publication with a different range of colours and moods.

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