Wednesday 1 March 2017

spectator / initial layouts

I started to play around on Photoshop with the layouts and cover for the magazine. The front cover is going to remain the same as the image of the zine. I found this image online which could also complement the concept:

The image shows an empty theatre which is contrasting to the image that will be used on the front of the magazine:

I felt that this magazine should be kept slick and try to not emulate a weathered and textured feel of a traditional zine. The original zine has these features, but this magazine is a different entity in its self. I have decided to keep the images sharp and crisp on the page, allowing their content to stand out and be analysed properly by the viewer.

Examples of spreads are shown below:

I have decided to keep aspects such as the marks on the scanner and the centre of the page on the final image. This gives the magazine it's own unique character and ties in with the underlying concept of the project. Nature needs to be acknowledged, and the more you look at the images the more you will find.

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