Thursday 9 March 2017

OUGD603 / crit

Today we had a crit to discuss extended practice and how far along we are with the module. In my group were Hattie and Polly. We all discussed a few briefs and managed to get a good idea of how far along we are in the module.

The briefs I asked about were the lights brief and confectionary packaging brief. Firstly, I was slightly worried about the layout of the lights booklet as a lot of the images suit full bleed and I felt as though I wasn't having much input into the project. I created a mockup to display this to the group:

I asked if there were any other ways I could experiment with the layout of the book without taking away from the images. It was suggested that I could make some inserts to go in-between the pages discussing the lights, colours and/or mood of the image. I liked this idea as it gives the book more substance and purpose. It was also suggested that if the images work full bleed, that isn't an issue. I have still contributed to the project by art-directing and managing the photographer.

Another brief I've been struggling to start properly is the confectionary packaging brief. At present I don't have a fully realised plan or target audience, so I asked the group what they think I should do or if there's any existing products I could look at. Hattie suggested looking on John Lewis to look at the bespoke/luxury packaging that exists on there. It could spark off an idea or give me some inspiration as to the style of packaging I would like. Ideally the packaging wouldn't be too flashy as I know I want the brand to still be cheap and accessible to as many people as possible. 

Overall the crit was beneficial and I've come away with some new ideas and a fresh perspective on my projects. It was good to see what other people are working on too. 

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